Cyber Security in a Post-Corona World: Startup Opportunities and Challenges

On Nov 5, 2020 at 9 am EST / 3 pm CEST / 4 pm IDT, global innovation platform Axis Innovation will host a webinar titled Cyber Security in a Post-Corona World: Startup Opportunities & Challenges. This webinar will share actionable insights for companies (especially early stage companies) who seek to address global cybersecurity needs.

The speakers and topics include:
Developing Effective Cybertech Patent Strategies – with me, Jim Singer, Intellectual Property Department Chair of Fox Rothschild.
Cyber During Covid-19 – Going global by cooperating with leading international cyber leader Kaspersky – Vitaly Mzokov, Head of Kaspersky iHub.
Effective Fund Raising for your startup – with leading UK Venture Capitalist, Endre Sagi of Skylake Capital.

The webinar is free of charge, with more information and registration details available here.

Update: a recording of the event is available at this link.

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