The Ministry of Health has launched new medication programs

5 May, 2023
new medication programs
The Ministry of Health has released two preliminary regulations for Article 72 of Law 1753 of 2015 (PND), which was partially regulated five years ago through Decrees 433 and 710 of 2018.

Feedback on the initial Draft Circular, which establishes the methodology for pricing new drugs, and the Draft Resolution, which regulates the terms and conditions for pricing new drugs, will be accepted until May 8, 2023 (COT 5:00 pm) via the following links: Circular, resolution, first link, and second link.

The Draft Resolution outlines the requirements for determining the price of new drugs based on their therapeutic value and budgetary impact, while the Draft Circular suggests a methodology for determining the maximum sales value.

The preliminary regulations also clarify the roles of INVIMA, IETS, and the National Drug Pricing Commission during this process.





