Peruvian consumer protection penalizes delivery platform

11 August, 2023
penalty to delivery platform
The National Institute for the Defense of Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property (Indecopi) in Peru sanctioned for 6,435 soles a home delivery platform for automatically adding a tip to the total cost of products or services purchased through its application, without prior request from consumers and before the contracted service was provided.

According to Indecopi, this company distorted the concept of tips, since it should be the user who assigns it and not the platform. Therefore, the authority ordered the sanctioned company to adjust its application so that it is the user who voluntarily decides whether to leave a tip, and this choice is made once the customer has received the product, not before placing the order.

This decision is highly relevant since this type of practices are committed in Colombia by domiciliation platforms operating in the country and may have repercussions in this jurisdiction.





