Guidelines for tourism services providers

24 November, 2023
guidelines tourism
Recently, the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce, in its role as the entity in charge of watching over the rights of consumers, issued External Circular No. 003 dated November 14, 2023.

This circular is aimed at tourism service operators and those who offer tourist housing services through digital platforms, such as accommodations and hotels, among others. The circular includes several measures; the following stand out:

  • 9Obtain the necessary authorizations and registrations to carry out the provision of tourist services.
  • 9Comply with the obligations established around electronic commerce.
  • 9Provide and disclose truthful, reliable, sufficient, clear, accessible, and updated information on the services, products, and contracts they offer.
The SIC implemented these measures in response to a surge in complaints lodged against companies within the tourism sector. This action aligns with recent directives tailored for specific markets, like technological financing systems, showcasing the authority’s vigilant stance toward safeguarding consumer interests within specific sectors under its purview.

Original Source in Spanish.





