As we all know from first-hand experience, since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, many employees have shifted to remote work, in some cases permanently. As a result, Life Science organizations are finding that it’s simply no longer feasible to provide expert research assistance on demand for all employees, given the decentralized nature of today’s increasingly remote workforces.

In the Life Science space, this situation has amplified the need to provide easy-to-use, self-service research and discovery tools to knowledge workers. For this reason, knowledge managers are seeking out tools that provide the speed, comprehensiveness, and accuracy that expert users demand, while also providing the intuitiveness and user-friendly interfaces that non-expert users require to be able to perform research independently.

Given this unique situation, here are a number of questions to ask when developing a data strategy for your organization given today’s increasingly dispersed work environments: 

How do you handle siloed data?

Data and content come in many formats and access methods. This makes it difficult to find the information you need when you need it. As a result, your organization can’t maximize the value of its digital information investments when your knowledge workers can’t easily find the data and content that they need when working independently. Finding a solution that unifies the search experience across disparate data sources is critical to maximizing the value of your data.

How do you find the most relevant search results?

With the growing volume of published and proprietary content, your knowledge workers need tools to quickly find relevant content and extract insights. Finding a solution that integrates semantic technology allows your knowledge workers to expand their search queries to include synonyms and display results using semantically enriched visualizations, so that they don’t miss critical information, connections, and resulting insights, even when working independently.

How do you address copyright compliance?

With a largely remote workforce, copyright compliance can be a real challenge. Finding a solution that seamlessly integrates content and rights on a single platform is key to strengthening copyright compliant collaboration across today’s decentralized work environments.  

CCC’s RightFind Navigate unifies access to licensed third-party data sources, publicly available information resources, and internal proprietary content through a single intuitive, easy-to-use interface.

Navigate includes semantic search, which utilizes synonyms from a range of supported biomedical vocabularies to expand search queries and display results using semantically enriched visualizations, which helps uncover hidden information relationships to inspire insights.

And as a part of the RightFind Suite, Navigate integrates seamlessly with RightFind Enterprise and CCC’s copyright licenses, making copyright-compliant collaboration easier, providing faster discovery and insights with immediate access to scientific literature and data, accelerating the flow of research.

To learn more, please visit our RightFind Navigate page or additional suggested reading: 


Author: CCC

A pioneer in voluntary collective licensing, CCC advances copyright, accelerates knowledge, and powers innovation. With expertise in copyright, data quality, data analytics, and FAIR data implementations, CCC and its subsidiary RightsDirect collaborate with stakeholders on innovative solutions to harness the power of data and AI.