Revitalize Your Business

28 April, 2023
revitalize your business
The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism and “Gestión Total Corporativa”, have created the strategy called “Quality for Reindustrialization” aimed at promoting a culture of quality in the agro-industrial sector. The project offers specialized training to implement high-quality standards in organizations belonging to the guild to promote a culture of quality in small or medium-sized enterprises.

The specialized technical assistance takes over 50 hours, which are divided into different activities that include a strategic planning diagnosis and a short-term implementation.

This initiative will bring different benefits to the companies, as its execution will result in an increase in their production and export rates.

To be part of Quality for Reindustrialization, companies must comply with the following guidelines: i) be a micro, small or medium-sized enterprise; ii) have a valid commercial registration; iii) not be in the process of corporate reorganization or liquidation; iv) not be involved in money laundering and/or financing of terrorism; and v) be registered in the “Compra Lo Nuestro” platform.



