Monday Miscellany


Always on the move to attend the latest events

What's new in terms of events and opportunities in the IP field? Find out by reviewing the latest edition of our miscellany post. And, for events, do not forget to regularly check our Events page. Happy week to all our readers!


Webinar - Plausibility: from herbicides to insecticides and beyond (30 May 2024)

On 30 May 2024 the 4iP Council is hosting a webinar with Dheemanth Vangimalla and Sir Robin Jacob (chaired by Axel Ferrazzini) on the topic of  "plausibility”, which is an evidential requirement relating to whether a patent’s specification demonstrates that the claimed invention's purported technical contribution is achievable. In this webinar, Sir Robin and Dheemanth will explore the requirement’s origins, how it has been applied by EPO and the English courts in recent years, and what they envisage for the requirement’s future. For more information and to sign up, click here

LES Annual Conference and LES100 Course (5/6 June 2024)

The Licensing Executives Society Britain & Ireland is hosting its annual conference on 5 June 2024, for which the theme is The Journey to Commercialisation, with a presentation from Sonja London (LESI President) on IP strategy, and an interview with Gordon Donald, past MD of Yorkshire manufacturing company Geofabrics Ltd, on the successful protection and enforcement of patented technology.

The next day, LES is holding the full-day LES100 Training Course, “Commercialising IP through the Power of Licensing”, which is the introductory course in the Licensing Executives Society’s Intellectual Asset Management Series and it is designed for those who are relatively new to licensing.

For more information and to sign up, click here

Webinar - The "Taylor’s Version Strategy" or re-recording music albums: (legally) possible in EU too? (13 June 2024)

On 13 June 2024 the 4iP Council is hosting another very interesting webinar with Dr. Maria Daphne Papadopoulou and Dr Claudia Tapia focussing on the legal grounds that made it possible for Taylor Swift to effectively re-record her albums.

They will also examine whether this would be also legally possible in EU. Copyright, licensing, and commercial transactions form an exciting world, and this case confirms it. To sign up, click here

MARQUES Annual Conference 2024 (24-27 September 2024)

The 2024 MARQUES Annual Conference will be held in Stockholm, and will cover diverse topics including: litigation and public opinion; working in areas outside your comfort zone; understanding local traditions; navigating consumer values; successful online enforcement; how to demonstrate market realities before EUIPO; visual disclaimers in designs; and the latest EU case law on trade marks and designs. 

There will also be workshops on artificial intelligence, trade secrets, co-branding, copyright in IP enforcement and amicus curiae briefs (as well as a whole range of other topics!). To find out more and sign up, click here

Calls for papers and other opportunities

National Law University India IP Masters

The National Law University Delhi is inviting online applications for admission to the Masters of Arts in Intellectual Property Law and Management (M.A. Degree Programme)/ Master of Law in Intellectual Property Law and Management (LL.M. Degree Programme). This programme is being jointly offered by National Law University Delhi (NLUD), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and Office of Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks (CGPDTM – Indian IP Office). For further information, click here.

Other things of interest

Pacific Legal Training have developed an examination focused training programme for trainees preparing for the October 2024 PEB FD1 and FD4 examinations. Information specifically about the FD1 training courses are found here and information specifically about our FD4 training courses are found here.
Monday Miscellany Monday Miscellany Reviewed by Alessandro Cerri on Monday, May 20, 2024 Rating: 5

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