Pascale_St-Onge_at_Halton_Field_Hockey_Club, YourTV Halton, CC BY 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Pascale_St-Onge_at_Halton_Field_Hockey_Club, YourTV Halton, CC BY 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons


Canadian Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge’s Internet Regulation Misinformation Problem

The temperature over the government’s Internet legislation has increased this week as many Canadians wake up to the consequences of Bills C-11 and C-18. CRTC regulations on mandated registration requirements arising from the Online Streaming Act and the possibility that Google will follow Meta’s lead and remove news links for search results in Canada due to the Online News Act have placed the spotlight on harmful effects of the government’s approach. In response, Canadian Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge has become more vocal on both social media and mainstream media in defence of the government’s approach. Unfortunately, her comments included repeated errors (suggesting that independent media has not reached any deals with Internet platforms which is not remotely accurate), maligned digital creators (saying that Bill C-11 wasn’t about them), were contradicted by the CRTC, or featured outright misinformation. I posted a pair of threads fact-checking the Minister, which are posted below. There can obviously be different views on the Internet regulation, but the Minister ought to know her file and stick to the facts.

Thread on her Bill C-11 thread:

Thread on her Bill C-18 FAQ in the Montreal Gazette:

@mgeist thread: C-18 FAQ, pt 2



  1. Cacciatore says:

    Thanks as always for keeping everyone informed about these issues and the government’s errors/lies regarding them.

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  2. It’s (well, really it’s not) unbelievable how misinformed this minister is on her own files.

    Or, well I suppose that’s the optimistic perspective. The other perspective is that she completely understands the files and has chosen instead to gaslight about them.

  3. Nobody cares about c-18 or c-11, Michael. Shut up already.

    • Shutupisamoron says:

      Speak for yourself Shut up. I care a lot. Enough to completely change how I use technology as a result.

    • Frankly, if nobody cares, then most of the people that are supposed to be holding the government to being honest brokers aren’t doing their job. But then again, they are the people that stand to benefit the most financially from C-11 and C-18, so…

      And then they wonder why the legacy news media in Canada and the US is becoming more and more viewed with distrust.

  4. I am always shocked at the amount of disinformation and/or lies from our federal government. I don’t know if they know they are lying, delusional or that misinformed themselves by their own motivated reasoning.

  5. “It is difficult to get a to understand something when salary depends on not understanding.”

    (With thanks to the original author, Upton Sinclair – 1878-1968, as published in “Oxford Essential Quotations, 4th edition, 2016)

  6. Sorry about that: The angle brackets were misinterpreted:

    “It is difficult to get a (person) to understand something when (their) salary depends on (them) not understanding.”

    (With thanks to the original author, Upton Sinclair – 1878-1968, as published in “Oxford Essential Quotations, 4th edition, 2016)

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