IP litigation oral report

17 February, 2023
litigation oral report
On 09 February 2023, the (Andean Court of Justice) ACCJ issued Rule 01/2023, which set procedural costs to attend requests for oral reports within the PI stage at USD 2,500.

According to the ACCJ, said reports could be requested by the parties in an IP litigation process in order to directly expose cases of high technical or legal complexity before the court. Domestic and international organizations and institutions related to the matter of the case may participate in hearings, as well as all parties involved.

It is also worth noting that the ACCJ is the highest authority for the interpretation of Andean IP regulations applicable in Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador, and as such, it has the power to issue PIs, which are binding opinions that are requested by domestic judges in the context of disputes related to trademarks, copyrights, patents, among others.





