IAM's top 20 of 2022

IAM's top 20 of 2022

Against any yardstick, 2022 feels like another extraordinary year. As we slip into the weekend and celebrating the start of another 12-month cycle, IAM takes a look back at the 20 stories from our in-house team that resonated most with our readers.

Russia’s war in Ukraine, 5G, national security, SEP strategies and, of course, global litigation battles all feature. Proof indeed, if it were needed, that intellectual property is both shaped by and itself shapes the way we live and function as societies.

Totting up almost half a million views over 2022 by well over 100,000 unique users in the last 12 months, IAM has subscribers all over the world. Here's a look at where you were reading from last year:

And here’s our top 20 most-read stories of 2022, in descending order:

Moderna, Nike and TSMC among pandemic-era outperformers in patent portfolio strength

Europe is set to become an even greater focus for global IP strategists

How an ex-NPE head built an innovative operating company on IP

How one IP attorney is organising supplies and support for the people of Ukraine

As the bombs fell, a Ukrainian reverse engineering company refused to give in

Most prolific firms for PCT and EPO patent applications revealed

BlackBerry portfolio sold for $600 million to SPV led by US-based patent market insider

CRISPR IP deals continue apace despite legal battles

Intel transfers 5,000 assets to IPValue in major patent deal

The importance of IP to US national security interests is finally being understood

New 4G/5G landscape shows which SEP owners have strongest global coverage

Ericsson sues Apple for patent infringement as cross-licence deal expires

New IP finance play, Ukraine tribute, patent litigation trends and plenty more as IPBC Global 2022 comes to an end

Efficiency-over-quality criticisms are unfounded, says EPO VP for Patent Granting Process

UK InterDigital v Lenovo decision could be pivotal for global SEP strategies

BlackBerry's $600 million patent sale hits trouble

Nokia hires Arvin Patel to lead multimedia patent licensing programme

Nokia targeting broad range of new sectors for licensing deals, says Arvin Patel

Ex-Samsung IP head’s involvement in NPE suit raises eyebrows

Samsung slams “betrayal of trust” by former IP head

On a personal note, I feel very fortunate to have taken the reins of IAM almost five months ago and I would like to thank all our subscribers, contacts and friends – you have been a truly welcoming community and it has been a pleasure getting to know you.

IAM commits to keep bringing you breaking news, top quality analysis and exclusive data-driven content in 2023. I always want to hear what you have to say, feedback and robust debate are foundational to what we do, so please do email me, seek me out for a coffee in London, or say hello at one of our outstanding IPBC events.

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year - cheers!

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