Sat.Oct 20, 2012 - Fri.Oct 26, 2012

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Butt Face Founder Admits Contempt in Trademark Case

Greenspoon Marder LLP

By: Sharon Urias, Esq. Jimmy Winkelmann, the founder of two brands that parodied outdoor clothing and equipment maker The North Face Apparel Corp., has agreed this week that his most recent brand has violated a 2010 settlement of a trademark infringement lawsuit involving his first brand, The South Butt. A Missouri court ordered James Winkelmann, Sr., and James Winkelmann, Jr. and their company Why Climb Mountains LLC, to stop using The Butt Face, their most recent line of clothing, trademarks

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A Strategy To Speed Up The Prosecution Of Older Cases

Patentably Defined

The USPTO’s Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP) includes many interesting but somewhat obscure provisions. One of the more useful examples of these provisions is § 707.02. Section 707.02 of the MPEP essentially imparts “special” status to older cases and cases in which a third Office action has been issued. Special status gives an application priority on an Examiner’s docket.